Meditation in Chaos

Union in silence is the highest truth.

Why is this not taught to the youth?

Because thinking is abused and confused with experience.

Deliriousness of an over-used brain and an atrophied heart.

To heal oneself physically is only one part.

Observe the whole and see the degree of falsity within their spirit,

for quite some time they haven’t been able to hear it,

because their awareness has been subconsciously taught to fear it.

The truth scares their limited perception,

because a false identity is within the reflection of the life of mirrors,

and the truth of non-identity only gets clearer every time you step nearer.

Death is their worst fear,

the illusion they hold so dear.

That’s why meditation is not taught,

because truth in it’s totality is not really sought.

It cannot be bought, let alone thought,

so it does not lay in the handbook of Imperialistic fascist regimes of dreams.Image

About Daniel

Enlightenment of our true nature. I am a part of a wave of experience here to help bring this understanding to the planet of Earth. To understand the eternal peace, regardless of what happens on the external; there is always a peace and silence that cannot be broken. This title of I and Daniel, are slowly dissolving more and more as I drop all identification and individualized nature. I am ONE LOVE... and so are you.
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